Open Letter to Summer’s Eve From Organizations Says Harmful Chemicals are Unacceptable
Environmental, health, justice organizations join us to express alarm about the lack of ingredient transparency, and toxic chemicals, in Summer’s Eve products.
Fragrance: The New Second Hand Smoke
Interestingly, almost a quarter of cases of fragrance-associated asthma in the workplace occurred in workers who had no previous history of asthma, but developed it as a result of exposure to scented products on the job.
VICTORY! Women Move Procter and Gamble to Disclose Fragrance Ingredients
In a huge step forward for fragrance disclosure, P&G announced today that they will disclose fragrance ingredients in their cleaning, feminine care and personal care products!
The Fragrance Funhouse
From pizza dough perfume, to floral scented tampons the fragrance funhouse is getting spooky! We are so afraid of bad smells, and have convinced ourselves that smelling-good is the same thing as being clean and in some cases, being healthy.
A Toast: Beer Makers Think You Deserve the Right to Know!
Whether it's beer, food, cosmetics, cleaning or personal care products, we deserve the right to know what's in the products we put in, or on, our bodies.
Underarm Harm? What’s So Bad About Antiperspirants?
Research has shown that many of the substances -- like aluminum, parabens & triclosan -- commonly included in deodorant products are absorbed into the body. And that's not a good thing...
Safer Choice: 100 Cleaning Products Now Carry EPA’s Fragrance-Free Label
64 household & institutional cleaning products now carry the EPA's fragrance-free label giving those concerned about fragrance chemical;s the opportunity to more easily find fragrance-free products.
P&G Says No to 140 Fragrance Chemicals
Lots to like about P&G's updated fragrance ingredient palette, but they don't provide details on why they decided to remove some toxic chemicals from their fragrance palette while choosing to keep others.
Toxic Chemicals Found in Fragrance
The fragrance industry's self-regulating chemical safety program is greenlighting chemicals that reputable authoritative bodies and government agencies have restricted, banned or deemed hazardous.
Something Stinks About Fragrance Safety Standards
Safety of 3,000 fragrance chemicals is entirely determined by the fragrance industry. This self-regulating policy is failing to protect the public from chemicals of concern in fragrance.