Playing Russian Roulette with Feminine Products
This cancer-causing chemical might or might not be in Tampax and Always.
Tip of the Month: 7 Uses for Coconut Oil
Meet the latest wonder ingredient stealing hearts in the non-toxic movement and DIY recipes.
5 Ways to Detox the Box Like a Girl
I run like a girl, I throw like a girl and I deserve to know what I'm putting in my body, like every girl!
Plastuck: Trying to Avoid Toxic Plastic
One woman’s stand against the polymer poisoning the world.
5 Reasons to Ditch Air Fresheners
From sprays and candles, to plug-ins and oils--it's time to start avoiding air fresheners.
Tip of the Month: Going Fragrance-Free at School
Check out these tools for protecting your child from secret toxic fragrance chemicals.
Why Congresswoman Maloney is Our Hero(ine)
Find out why Carolyn Maloney is willing to talk about pads and tampons on the House floor.
Why Always’ New #LikeAGirl Ad is Hypocritical
Highlighting girl's empowerment while keeping ingredients secret... hmm...
Tips for Finding Honest Skin Care and Beauty Brands
With hundreds of ingredients on labels, how are you supposed to know who's truly being transparent?
The Misunderstanding of Detox
Rather than enjoying the youth and virility of my 20s, I suffered a decade of chronic illness.