Tip of the Month: How to Avoid Microbeads (until the ban is fully in effect)
Great news – microbeads in cosmetics have been banned in the US! But products containing microbeads can still be on the shelves until 2018...
Toxic Chemicals Found in Fragrance
The fragrance industry's self-regulating chemical safety program is greenlighting chemicals that reputable authoritative bodies and government agencies have restricted, banned or deemed hazardous.
Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide: Gifts for Kids!
Each year, our Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide puts together everything you need to make responsible choices without compromising the fun and excitement of gift-giving. This... Read More
2015 Non-Toxic Shopping Guide: Gifts for Him
Each year, our Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide puts together everything you need to make responsible choices without compromising the fun and excitement of gift-giving. This... Read More
2015 Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide: Gifts for Her
IT’S HERE! Each year, our Non-Toxic Holiday Shopping Guide puts together everything you need to make responsible choices without compromising the fun and excitement of... Read More
Tip of the Month: 10 Ways to Have a Non-Toxic Halloween
Great tips on having a safe, non-toxic Halloween including info on face paint, toxic plastics in children's costumes, safer alternatives and more!
Women Move P&G To Reveal Ingredient Secrets
We won a major victory. P&G is starting to disclose limited ingredient information for its Always pads and Tampax tampons.
Formaldehyde Still Found in Hair Straighteners
As far back as 2011 the FDA has known that keratin hair straightening products can release dangerous levels of formaldehyde putting stylists (and their client’s) health at risk.
Can You Trust SC Johnson’s Greenlist?
What if SC Johnson's standards of safety don't meet yours?
Dangerous Dyes in Feminine Care Products?! Unacceptable.
Are dangerous dyes in feminine washes violating FDA use restrictions? Sure looks that way...