Women in South Korea Moving Market, Decision Makers to Address Toxic Chemicals in Menstrual Pads
An extraordinary series of events has occurred in recent months in S. Korea highlighting the potential dangers of chemicals detected in menstrual pads - thousands are speaking up and their voices are being heard!
Women-Led: Spotlight on Beatrice Dixon, Founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company
"I would change how the world treats us as consumers, selling us toxic feminine care and personal care products. I would change how we are objectified by the corporate world and paid less for our skills and services." - An interview with Beatrice Dixon
Project Green Challenge Changed My Life from Conventional to Conscious
Every October, Turning Green hosts Project Green Challenge to engage high school and college students from across the world to contribute to a healthy, just, and thriving planet. Past finalist, Mariah, shares her experience!
Fragrance: The New Second Hand Smoke
Interestingly, almost a quarter of cases of fragrance-associated asthma in the workplace occurred in workers who had no previous history of asthma, but developed it as a result of exposure to scented products on the job.
VICTORY! Women Move Procter and Gamble to Disclose Fragrance Ingredients
In a huge step forward for fragrance disclosure, P&G announced today that they will disclose fragrance ingredients in their cleaning, feminine care and personal care products!
Tip of the Month: Detox Your Dorm
From ditching dryer sheets and disinfectants, to simple non-toxic DIY recipes, get tips and tricks on how to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals for you and your dormmates!
Lesson from Charlottesville: We (white people) have work to do
What we witnessed was an explosion of the undercurrent of racism that permeates every system in this country. Our country. We have allowed that current to go unchecked for far too long.
Recommended Read: Ten Questions Concerning Air Fresheners
Published in the reputable scientific journal, Building and Environment, this article poses ten key questions about air fresheners, and pulls together key scientific studies to answer those questions in an audience-friendly way.
The Disturbing Parallels Between Period Shaming and Slut Shaming
If we can’t talk openly and respectfully about periods, about our vaginas, and about our bodies—we’ll never convince policymakers to regulate the feminine care industry, or move major manufacturers to value our health.
Congress makes a move to address long-ignored feminine hygiene concerns
Congresswoman Meng (D-NY) convinces her colleagues on the House Appropriations committee to include a specific request to the FDA to respond to WVE’s petition regarding dangerous dyes in feminine washes.