Making Waves on National Period Day
Saturday, October 19, 2019 will go down in history as the first-ever National Period Day, and what a day it was!
Are Cleaning Products Companies On the Road to Health First?
The Roadmap clearly lays out what we expect — what the public expects — an effective chemicals safety screening process to look like. Find out which companies are on track toward putting your health first!
How Do Toxic Quats Pass Clorox’s Chemicals Safety Screening?
If Clorox is OK using quats given all the health and safety data pointing to concerns about these chemicals, what else are they using that is not good for your health?
Does Industry Really Support Menstrual Equity?
KC and P&G often market their support of menstrual equity -- yet, when it comes to giving people information on what’s actually in their period products, industry makes the patriarchal statement that consumers will be confused. Puh-leeze.
Open Letter to Summer’s Eve
Join the growing coalition of environmental, health, justice organizations -- and researchers, scientists and healthcare providers -- to tell Summer's Eve toxic and hidden ingredients are not ok!
4 Ways to Support Menstrual Equity!
Ensuring menstrual products are safe, affordable and accessible is eliminating some of the barriers, but even getting to that point requires a lot of work to de-stigmatize periods...
5 Ways to Take on Fragrance in Period Products
Scented menstrual products not only increase exposure to harmful chemicals found in fragrance ingredients, they also perpetuate
the myth that menstruation and vaginas are dirty.
Join Young Climate Strikers to Speak Up for Climate Justice!
We need to be real that what’s happening to our climate is connected to what’s found in the products under our sinks, in our cabinets, and on our shelves.
Tell Playtex and Stayfree to Detox the Box!
WVE’s commissioned independent testing of scented Playtex Sport tampons and Stayfree pads turned up hidden carcinogens, reproductive toxins and irritants. This is unacceptable and underscores... Read More
Helping Our Teachers Take on Quats
Let’s give a little something back to the women and men who give so much to our kids — while at the same time get the conversation started with our schools on how we can reduce our kids’ exposure to toxic quats.