Tip of the Month: Choose Fragrance-Free Products
Getting a glimpse of what we are dealing with – modern fragrance isn't just looking bad, it down right stinks.
Is EPA’s New Labeling Program Really a Safer Choice?
Bottom line: fragrance should not be allowed in products that carry the Safer Choice label....
Are Your Personal Care Products Affecting Your Fertility?
Try to avoid this list of ingredients when you can - even when not trying to get pregnant.
Women’s Power Convinces Corporate Giants to Come Clean on Fragrance
SC Johnson's move to list all fragrance ingredients is a victory by women and for women.
The secret chemicals in perfum are about to be unbottled.
The Guardian October 15, 2014 Amy Westervelt SC Johnson will be the first large company to disclose all fragrance ingredients in products. Could this be... Read More
SC Johnson Announces an End to Fragrance Secrecy
Makers of Glade become the first major consumer product company to list product-specific fragrance ingredients FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 9, 2014 SC Johnson (Glade, Windex,... Read More
Playing Russian Roulette with Feminine Products
This cancer-causing chemical might or might not be in Tampax and Always.
5 Reasons to Ditch Air Fresheners
From sprays and candles, to plug-ins and oils--it's time to start avoiding air fresheners.
Tip of the Month: Going Fragrance-Free at School
Check out these tools for protecting your child from secret toxic fragrance chemicals.
Tips for Finding Honest Skin Care and Beauty Brands
With hundreds of ingredients on labels, how are you supposed to know who's truly being transparent?