Prepare for Pregnancy
10 Self-Assessment Steps for a Healthy Baby
Mom to Mom – NO More Conflict Palm Oil
Even after 400,000 people walked in Sunday's Climate March, PepsiCo is still dragging its feet.
Greening Condoms: Making a Good Thing Better
The case for removing unnecessary nitrosamines.
Plastuck: Trying to Avoid Toxic Plastic
One woman’s stand against the polymer poisoning the world.
Tip of the Month: Going Fragrance-Free at School
Check out these tools for protecting your child from secret toxic fragrance chemicals.
The Misunderstanding of Detox
Rather than enjoying the youth and virility of my 20s, I suffered a decade of chronic illness.
The Information New Moms Need
I needed answers about toxic chemicals right now, so that I could make a difference in my little girl’s life.
Balancing Passions & Perspectives
Penelope is the award-winning filmmaker of Toxic Baby, an author for Toxipedia, and creator of the Clean Birth Initiative.
Is Palm Oil Healthy For Your Family?
When it comes to replacing trans fats, we may be jumping out of the frying pan and into the deep fryer.
Environmentalism, Feminism, and the Power of Labeling Ourselves
I am a feminist and an environmentalist, although I don't fit either stereotype.