FDA bans 7 cancer-causing flavorings…but what about their use in fragrance?
Six of the seven chemicals the FDA just banned from flavorings are still commonly used in fragrance.
VICTORY for Salon Workers’ Right to Know!
Unlike consumers, who can look at ingredient labels on their store-bought cosmetics, professional hair and nail salon workers don’t benefit from the same disclosure. Until now...
How well is the fragrance industry managing the toxicity of fragrance ingredients?
A third of all fragrance chemicals currently in use are either known to be toxic, or considered potentially toxic by scientists around the world.
CIR poised to declare parabens safe for use in cosmetics…again
Allowing unsafe preservatives like parabens to stay on the market won’t drive the innovation in safer alternatives that we really need.
1, 2, 3, 4 #DetoxTheBox Summer Updates
With a busy summer already over, we wanted to take some time to uplift and share some inspiring updates about our campaigns for safe period and personal care products.
We Shook Up Summer’s Eve!
In sizzling New York heat, we protested toxic products & body-shaming outside of the makers of Summer's Eve. The corporation is definitely taking notice, so keep raising your voice!!
Quats and Back-To-School: What You Need to Know
Parents and teachers concerned with grimy fingers and germ-laden desks often include disinfecting wipes on back-to-school shopping lists. But certain chemicals in many disinfecting wipes are linked to negative health effects. Learn more!
Pediatricians Raise Alarm About the 10,000 Chemicals Allowed in Food and Food Packaging
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is calling for reforms to the way food additives are regulated, and raising concerns about impacts these chemicals are having on children’s health.
Stop the Chemical Industry From Undermining Your Right to Know!
With the so-called Accurate Label Act, chemical manufacturers want to take away gains made on your right to know and your ability to choose safer products. Protect your right to know!
Three Amazing Women Policy Makers Leading the Charge for Menstrual Equity!
Learn more about these women leaders who are changing policy and working to ensure period products are safe, affordable and accessible!