FDA Must Act to Protect Salon Workers from Formaldehyde
To protect the health of salon workers, WVE, EWG and salon workers from across the nation, filed a citizen petition asking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take action on this dangerous chemical.
CBI Means Companies Continue to Hide Fragrance Ingredients
What kind of disclosure are we seeing for fragrance ingredients as a result of the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act? And what does "confidential business information" have to do with it?
Clearya App Brings More Clarity to Toxic Chemicals in Products
Clearya analyzes the ingredient lists of personal care products, cosmetics, baby care, and household cleaning products, and displays alerts on potentially unsafe chemicals – so people can find products with safer ingredients more easily.
TAKE ACTION! Tell CEO’s of Intimate Care Products to End Toxic Products & Marketing!
TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell the CEO’s of intimate care products manufacturers they must be accountable for toxic marketing and toxic products! Heavily scented douches, wipes,... Read More
Impacts on Working Moms & Caregivers During COVID-19
Burnout is real. The loss is real. And so are the consequences. For many working mothers, this means our mental health has suffered, it also means women are at greater risk of both short and long-term economic instability.
How are Menstrual and Intimate Care Products Regulated?
Menstrual and intimate care products are used on and in some of the most sensitive body tissue, yet there is very little regulation over the safety of these products.
Candid Conversations on Intimate Care Products
Article after article droned on about the importance of “freshness”, “smelling like a rose”, and an overwhelming sense of - “if I don’t wash with THIS cleanser, and wipe with THIS brand, and douche with THIS tool, my boyfriend will think I am gross and smelly and leave me!” ...
Derek Chauvin Verdict
Our hearts are with the family of George Floyd and the people who loved him. This conviction is a step towards accountability. But the work towards justice, building community, and understanding is still ahead. Justice is a practice.
Holding “Green” Cleaning Products Accountable
WVE's new report found toxic chemicals linked to reproductive and environmental harm in a number of cleaning products that market themselves as "green" including, Method and Ms. Meyers.
Looking Beyond the Label in New Report on Toxic Chemicals in Cleaning Products
The cleaning product industry can and must do better. They should be designing their products with tremendous precaution, taking into account the toxic health burdens and vulnerabilities many communities already face.