What Took Walmart So Long?
It's time that we all make it our business to read labels, ask questions, and make smart, informed decisions about the chemicals in the products that we bring into our homes.
The 27 Toxins in My Body
I realized, rich or poor, regardless of race, my body—like all women’s bodies—is home to toxic chemicals that harm my health.
Tip of the Month: Non-Toxic Gift Giving 101
A few tips from our Non-Toxic Shopping Guide to help you use your economic power for good this season.
The Power to Change
The choice to spend – or not spend – is a truly mighty one. Especially over the holidays.
MT Mom Tells Senators to Protect Montanans from Toxic Chemicals
I was excited, nervous, humbled, and anxious when I told WVE that I would love to participate in the Stroller Brigade.
How Rock Bottom Became My Stepping Stone
Stylist Jennifer Arce goes up against toxic Brazilian Blowout - our money's on Jennifer!
Exclusive Sneak Peak: Chem Fatale
WVE is about to launch a new campaign on toxic chemicals in feminine care products - take a look!
Changing Tides
Earth Mama Angel Baby on why they list ALL ingredients in their products.
Think Before You Pink: Toxic Time is Up
Why is the breast cancer epidemic still raging after 30 years of “awareness” and pink ribbon products?
Tips for Avoiding Pinkwashing
Tips for navigating the sea of pink ribbons & avoiding chemicals linked to breast cancer.