Shopping on Ignore the New Eco Label!
Walmart isn’t awarding eco-labels based on any review of the product’s impact to human health or the environment!
Is EPA’s New Labeling Program Really a Safer Choice?
Bottom line: fragrance should not be allowed in products that carry the Safer Choice label....
Victory! Safer preservatives to be used in wipes!
Kimberly-Clark is finally reformulating to eliminate the harmful preservative methylisothiazilinone (MI) from wipes.
Detox Your Booth Webinar: Protecting Salon Workers from Toxic Chemicals
An important listen for all salon workers, owners and patrons alike.
Tips for Avoiding Chemicals Associated with Cancer Risks
Useful and practical tips to help protect your health from chemicals linked to cancer.
Are Toxins in Dollar Stores Putting Lower-Income Families at Increased Risk?
Everyone has the right to safe products, regardless of their budget.
Tip of the Month: Toxic-Free Valentine’s Gifts to Love
Some of our favorite resources to help you find safer Valentine's Day gifts!
How-To: Detoxing Tips from Amie Valpone
Our latest Body & Soul webinar features how-to advice on eliminating toxins from your food and household. Take a look...
BPS: The New BPA?
"The easiest way to eliminate BPA was to replace it with an alternative called Bisphenol-S or BPS. The problem? Recent studies find BPS isn’t any safer than BPA..."
Safe-Cleaning With Your Kids
Help your kids beat the winter blues with this fun activity -- scrub the tub! Good 'ol messy-fun with clean results!