Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.
Amber’s experience with leadership development, community engagement and mobilization will be invaluable to the future of WVE’s work and the growth of the WVE community.
We look forward to bringing you more news-you-can-use about fragrance chemicals, safer salons, ingredient disclosure, non-toxic cleaning and period products in the New Year. It’s going to be a busy 2019 — and we’re so excited to have you with us!
Testing identified 19 creams with mercury levels up to 30,000 times greater than the legal limit. This means creams meet the definition of hazardous waste, and aren’t even safe for a landfill.
More and more people are talking about the health issues presented by the chemicals in the very things we sleep on and in. Check out a few highlights making headlines...
We can control the cleaning products we use in our homes, but what about products that get used in public spaces? Learn more and what you can do to help #quitquats for good!
Last year, thanks to all of you raising your voices, SC Johnson committed to phasing out toxic fragrance chemical Galaxolide from its products. So where is SCJ at with their progress?