Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.


New Ingredient Transparency Reveals Issue of Toxic Chemicals in Cleaning Products is Widespread

A new report by environmental health organization, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), spotlights how toxic chemicals in cleaning products add to the health disparities and disproportionate burdens many people face from occupational exposure, pollutants in their environments, as well as social, racial and gender injustices. By accessing new ingredient information, the report calls attention to some of the most problematic and pervasive ingredients used in household and institutional cleaners, that have, until recently, been hidden from the general public.

La Nueva Transparencia en los Ingredientes Revela Sustancias Químicas Tóxicas en la Limpieza Los Productos están muy Diseminados

Un nuevo informe de la organización de salud ambiental, las Voces de la Mujeres para la Tierra (WVE), destaca cómo los productos químicos tóxicos en los productos de limpieza se suman a las disparidades de salud y las cargas desproporcionadas que enfrentan muchas personas debido a la exposición ocupacional, la contaminación -tanto en sus entornos, así como las injusticias sociales, raciales y de género. Al acceder a información sobre nuevos ingredientes, el informe, "Más Allá de la Etiqueta: Impactos en la Salud de los Ingredientes Nocivos en los Productos de Limpieza", señala algunos de los ingredientes más problemáticos y omnipresentes utilizados en los limpiadores domésticos e institucionales, que, hasta hace poco tiempo, ha estado oculto al público en general.

Statement on the Violence Against AAPI Communities

The racial and sexual violence that Asian American and Pacific Islander women face in the United States is not new, but is historically and shamefully ignored by mainstream media, decision-makers, and often organizations like ours who are dedicated to bettering societal and environmental health.

Actions to Take Today to Honor MLK

The MLK holiday is a day set aside to uplift a civil rights leader who fought to break down the institutional structures that promote racism, ableism and classism. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of action, so to honor him - let’s act too!
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