Chemicals are making us sick. Tell retailers to take action on toxics!
7-Eleven, 99 Cents Only, Ace Hardware, Burger King, Circle K, Metro, Nordstrom, Publix, Sally Beauty, Sobeys, Starbucks, and Subway all failed to take substantial public steps to protect customers from toxic chemicals in products and packaging.
Fragrance pollution is real – and should no longer get a sweetheart deal
CARB is helping to reduce smog and reduce public exposure to the hazards associated with smog. Fragrances are well known sources of air pollution, but they have always had a sweetheart deal with CARB.
Statement on the Violence Against AAPI Communities
The racial and sexual violence that Asian American and Pacific Islander women face in the United States is not new, but is historically and shamefully ignored by mainstream media, decision-makers, and often organizations like ours who are dedicated to bettering societal and environmental health.
Because of You, Summer’s Eve Removed Ten Toxic Ingredients!
VICTORY! Summer's Eve has removed 10 toxic ingredients from their products. Unfortunately, underlying concerns with intimate care products continue to put our health at risk.
Keeping Watch on the Cosmetic Ingredient Review
In 2020, CIR’s Expert Panel for Cosmetic Safety made a number of decisions that were not in the interest of public health. But we did get their attention on a few important safety issues. Learn more.
Help expand the reach and understanding of menstrual equity in your community by leading your own OSOF workshop! Learn more in this month's Period Health News.
Who is WVE? A Quick Look at 2020 Survey Results
While these results capture a just a snapshot of WVE’s members, we value any opportunity to learn more about you and the powerful network of advocates across the nation.
Actions to Take Today to Honor MLK
The MLK holiday is a day set aside to uplift a civil rights leader who fought to break down the institutional structures that promote racism, ableism and classism. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of action, so to honor him - let’s act too!
The beginning of the new year is traditionally a time where we make resolutions; commitments and actions that are often focused on healing. So I can think of no better time then now to reflect on WVE’s commitments to you.
Period Health Policies: Is Your State Working to Make Menstrual Equity a Priority?
The work to achieve menstrual equity continues with policies being introduced on the state and federal level to increase access, affordability, and safety of period products.