Spring Clean the Cleaning Industry!
Spring has sprung and we have spring cleaning on the brain. We’re thinking about the fact that many conventional product brands contain ingredients that are bad for our health, and bad for the planet. But with your help, we're changing that...
A Guide to Menstrual Products: What You Put in Your Vagina Matters
Article from Mothering Magazine - Many of us limit the number of potentially hazardous products in our lives, but our vaginas don’t always get the same consideration.
After a slow start, South Korea’s #MeToo movement has exploded
Article in Quartz - featuring feminism in South Korea, including breaking down cultural taboos associated with vaginal health and menstruation.
NGOs call on US firm to reveal chemicals in feminine products
Chemical Watch article - NGOs join Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE) to ask makers of Summer's Eve to address toxic chemicals and lack of ingredient disclosure in their wipes, sprays, washes and more.
Open Letter Urges Makers of Summer’s Eve to Remove Harmful Chemicals from Feminine Products
Today, 25 environmental, health, and justice organizations released an open letter urging New York-based consumer product goods manufacturer Prestige Brands, makers of Summer’s Eve, to eliminate toxic chemicals and disclose all ingredients in the iconic feminine care brand. Circulated by national women’s health non-profit, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), the letter calls into question the ingredients found in Summer’s Eve products, including wipes, washes and sprays, to which women are exposed without their knowledge or consent.
Fragrance body adds phthalates to industry transparency list
Chemical Watch article - Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE) expresses concern that five phthalates were among those recently added to IFRA fragrance list.
P&G Becomes Improbable Supporter of Ingredient Disclosure Rule
Bloomberg Businessweek Lauren Coleman-Lochner December 7, 2017 “Proponents of the California law say there’s plenty to be concerned about in household cleaners, including ingredients that... Read More
Buy Cleaning Products? A New Law Has Your Back
NRDC Corey Binns November 27, 2017 “Having this information can help people make better decisions to protect their health not only day to day but... Read More
When Women Work Together, Women WIN!
You can stand up to corporations and demand change. You can help enact laws that protect your health. Let’s work together to make products safer for everyone. Because when women work together, women WIN. Will you join us?
Tell EPA: Ban these dangerous chemicals now!
It’s been almost a year since the EPA proposed bans on dangerous paint strippers—as well as a ban on another solvent, trichloroethylene—and the agency hasn’t finalized any of them. What are they waiting for?!