Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Press Releases

WVE press releases. For media inquiries contact Liz Taveras at: lizt@womensvoices.org

Press Releases

Procter & Gamble Eliminating Phthalates, Triclosan from Products Worldwide

Safe cosmetics activists pressure other companies to stop using toxic chemicals in personal care products, fragrances For Immediate Release: September 4th, 2013 Due to public pressure and growing concerns about the safety of chemicals found in common cosmetics, household cleaners and fragranced products, Procter & Gamble (P&G) will achieve total elimination of the toxic chemicals triclosan and diethyl phthalate (DEP) from all its products by 2014, according to an announcement on the company’s website. P&G is the world’s largest manufacturer of consumer products, home to iconic brands including Cover Girl, Tide, Crest and Ivory. “The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics congratulates...
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50,000 Consumers Demand Fragrance Information from SC Johnson

Women’s Voices for the Earth, SumOfUs.org join forces against secret toxic chemicals in Glade FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 9, 2013 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today advocacy groups SumOfUs.org and Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) presented cleaning product manufacturing giant SC Johnson & Son with more than 51,000 signatures from consumers demanding to know what ingredients make up the fragrances in the company’s scented products. The groups hope SC Johnson will respond by listing fragrance ingredients for each of their products. The petition delivery comes the same day that Women’s Voices for the Earth launched “What’s Really Inside SC Johnson” at...
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Bipartisan Chemical Reform Bill Introduced in Congress

Women’s Voices for the Earth Statement May 22, 2013 Today, Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and David Vitter (R-LA) introduced a groundbreaking bipartisan bill in Congress to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). TSCA has not been updated since 1976, and is not sufficient for protecting public health from toxic chemicals like phthalates, lead, BPA, flame retardants, and other harmful chemicals. Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) is pleased to see bi-partisan support for chemical policy reform with the recent introduction of the Chemical Safety Improvement Act of 2013 (S.1009). However, there are many areas of the bill that need...
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Toxics Reform Bill Debuts in Senate

Montana Senators Cosponsor Bill to Protect Kids and Families For Immediate Release: April 10th, 2013 Contact: Jamie McConnell, Women’s Voices for the Earth, 406-543-3747 Sarah Cobler, Montana Conservation Voters, 406-581-2284 MISSOULA, MT – Today Montana’s Senators Baucus and Tester joined 25 other U.S. Senators introducing the Safe Chemicals Act of 2013. The legislation would provide long overdue fixes to the nation’s broken chemical policies and limit the use of unsafe chemicals linked to cancer and other illnesses. With toxics turning up in furniture, soup cans, baby lotion and thousands of other products, the bill is viewed as essential by some...
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Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics, Shampoos, Targeted by Congress

Federal legislation introduced today will ensure all cosmetics are safe For Immediate Release:  March 21st, 2013 Contact:         Margie Kelly, 541-222-9699, mkelly@breastcancerfund.org Shannon Coughlin, 415-336-2246, scoughlin@breastcancerfund.org WASHINGTON – While natural body-care products represent the fastest growing segment of the cosmetics market, your local pharmacy shelves are still full of products laden with toxic chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm. To address this problem, today, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., introduced the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2013, which would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to ensure that all...
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Fragrance Allergies Common Unsuspected Culprit in Skin Conditions, Report Finds

Environmental Health Group Advocates for Immediate Disclosure of Secret Fragrance Ingredients FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 20, 2013 MISSOULA, Mont. – A new report by the women’s health advocacy group Women’s Voices for the Earth has found that allergic reaction and sensitivity to fragrance chemicals in cleaning and personal care products affects millions of Americans. According to the report Secret Scents: How Hidden Fragrance Allergens Harm Public Health, fragrance in household and personal care products is one of the most frequently identified allergens.  However, since companies are not required by the FDA or EPA to disclose fragrance ingredients, it is difficult...
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