Age that girls hit puberty keeps dropping.
The age at which girls hit puberty continues to drop, new research from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center shows.
In feast of data on BPA plastic, no final answer.
The research has been going on for more than 10 years. Studies number in the hundreds. Millions of dollars have been spent. But government health officials still cannot decide whether the chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, a component of some plastics, is s...
Study links thyroid problems in Iowa women with farm chemicals.
A study involving Iowa women who live on farms finds exposure to some common farm chemicals may bring a greater risk for developing thyroid disease.
S.C. tests for PCBs in Lake Wylie.
By October, anglers on Lake Wylie could find out just how safe it is to eat the fish they catch. Unsafe carcinogen levels in fish caught Lake Wateree have led the state to issue fish consumption advisories. It has also tested Lake Wylie and three other...
Toxic hormones seen in river fish.
Fish in the Yangtze River contain an "environmental hormone" that mimics the female hormone and can cause sexual prematurity and breast cancer, according to non-governmental organization members in four cities along the river.
Campaigners reject report that clears factory of cancer link.
A decade-long battle over fears that chemicals in an electronics factory caused workers to develop cancer took an acrimonious turn yesterday, as campaigners questioned the validity of a study that said the claims were unfounded.
The dark side of beauty?
In recent years, watchdog organizations like the Environmental Working Group and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics have released reports looking at chemicals and additives in makeup, hair and skin products.
Climate change policy ignores women farmers.
Research has shown that women are more likely to feel the effects of climate change because they have less access to resources. Changing weather patterns increase poor women’s work burden on gathering water and firewood.
Nicotine in cigarettes linked to breast cancer for the first time.
The substance that makes cigarettes addictive may also cause the growth of cancer tumours, scientists revealed today. It is the first time nicotine has been implicated as one of the chemicals in cigarettes that can trigger the development of breast can...
Radiation, risks are focus of breast screening studies.
Some doctors are concerned about relying too much on breast imaging exams that expose women to far higher doses of radiation than regular mammography. Over all, the U.S. population’s annual radiation dose from medical procedures increased sevenfold b...