Bad life habits raise your risk of getting cancer.
Whenever discussion arises about Delaware's higher-than-average cancer rate, the state's history of high pollution levels and environmental contaminants are usually cited as anecdotal – if not scientific – reasons. There's not nearly as much talk a...
Trying to understand our chemical exposure.
Our modern-day environment is loaded with man-made chemicals. What's the health fallout of this? In some cases, such as those for lead and mercury, the effects of environmental chemicals are clear. Not so much for others, such as bisphenol A and flame ...
Levels of worrisome chemical higher in female cashiers.
Research published Friday indicates that bisphenol A levels in pregnant women vary widely. Scientists examined BPA levels in urine samples from 386 pregnant women in Cincinnati. About 90% of the women had detectable levels of bisphenol A.
After hairstylist becomes suspicious of Brazilian Blowout, tests find formaldehyde.
Molly Scrutton's concerns over Brazilian Blowout, a hair smoother, led state and federal authorities in the United States and Canada to test the product for formaldehyde.
Coming clean about household cleaners.
Cleaning companies are notoriously secretive about the chemical contents of their products. But now, New York is reviving a 1976 law that requires manufacturers to disclose chemical ingredients in household cleaners.
BPA levels jump in moms-to-be.
Pregnant women who eat canned vegetables or work as cashiers show the highest levels of bisphenol A, the estrogen-mimicking chemical, according to a new study.
Cosmetics carry cancer agent.
Researchers in Beijing have found a cancer-causing hormone that could impair fertility and damage liver and kidney functions in many personal care products in China's domestic markets.
Reform of toxic chemicals law collapses as industry flexes its muscles.
One year, six congressional hearings and 10 'stakeholder sessions' after a group of congressional Democrats vowed to overhaul the Toxic Substance Control Act to make it easier to get dangerous chemicals off the market, the bills are dead, a testament t...
Chemical ‘warfare’: Who’s who and what’s at stake.
Chemical industry resistance and campaign pressures from the upcoming election combined to kill reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act this year.
With hair products, it’s buyer beware.
This isn’t the first time that hair products have been singled out for their potential health risks.