New Data Reveals One-Third of All Fragrance Chemicals Linked to Human, Environmental Harm
New data compiled by environmental health non-profit, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), reveals that a third of all fragrance chemicals currently in use are either known to be toxic, or considered potentially toxic by scientists around the world.
This data fully compliments a report released today by Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP), which tested household products and clearly revealed the presence of harmful fragrance chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption, reproductive harm, and respiratory toxicity that do not appear on the label.
Fragrance body adds phthalates to industry transparency list
Chemical Watch article - Women's Voices for the Earth (WVE) expresses concern that five phthalates were among those recently added to IFRA fragrance list.
Are Phthalates DBP and DEHP Back in Fragrance??!
In October, IFRA added approximately 750 chemicals to the fragrance ingredient list, including toxic phthalates DBP and DEHP, and carcinogen styrene oxide.