Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Press Releases

Statement on the Violence Against AAPI Communities

The racial and sexual violence that Asian American and Pacific Islander women face in the United States is not new, but is historically and shamefully ignored by mainstream media, decision-makers, and often organizations like ours who are dedicated to bettering societal and environmental health.

Women’s Health Organization Cautions Educators About Harmful Exposures to Toxic Chemicals in Disinfectants

To help prevent the overuse and the misuse of disinfectants in schools, Women’s Voices for the Earth has released a toolkit for parents and guardians on how to talk to educators about safer alternatives. The toolkit includes a comprehensive list of EPA-certified safer disinfectants to combat COVID-19 that use active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide instead of toxic quats. But beyond disinfectants, the toolkit also highlights how to use these products safely, and stresses the importance and effectiveness of hand-washing for keeping kids healthy.

Statement on George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery

Women’s Voices for the Earth is profoundly devastated and outraged by the recent brutal killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. We are tired of seeing headlines and newsfeeds populate again and again with names, faces and stories of black men and women harmed by a system that often determines worth by our sex, wealth, and whiteness. The damage that occurs when certain groups are privileged or disadvantaged because of their gender, their class or their race, is not just catastrophic, it is fatal.

Affected Communities Urge The Environmental Protection Agency To End The Free Pass It Is Giving Polluters

More than 150 affected communities, environmental justice organizations and other groups are calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to rescind or replace its policy allowing companies to stop reporting how much they pollute under the guise of COVID-19. The policy, which took effect in mid March, allows companies to use COVID-19 as an excuse to stop critical health and safety monitoring—without notifying the public or the EPA. The policy applies to every industry in the country, including chemical manufacturing, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, and virtually all other sources of pollution. In addition to increasing the potential for catastrophic chemical releases and explosions, the policy allows the EPA to waive enforcement even if the suspension of monitoring causes an “imminent threat” to health or the environment. On top of all that, the policy comes at a time when EPA inspections are at a decade-long low.

California AB 1989 Is Not Enough to Protect the Health of People Who Menstruate

“Allowing companies to claim CBI is an immediate red flag when it comes to the safety of period care products. These products have been woefully under-regulated and under-researched for decades and there is so much we don’t know about their manufacturing, ingredients and potential health impacts,” said Alexandra Scranton, Director of Science and Research at WVE. “Allowing some ingredients to be hidden as CBI will hamper the progress of needed research, and will not give people who menstruate, advocates, or researchers a full picture of the ingredients used in these products.”

New Report Ranks Cleaning Products Industry’s Commitment to Safety

Environmental health non-profit, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) released a new report ranking the progress and failures that leading cleaning products manufacturers are making in regards to the strength and transparency of their chemicals safety screening. The ranking is based on criteria from WVE's Health First Roadmap - a comprehensive and dynamic tool which provides specific guidance to cleaning product manufacturers on how to choose safer ingredients and ensure the chemical safety of their products.
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