Company cited often for lead in jewelry.
As Americans buy more and more products from China and other countries with weaker consumer safety regulations, the case of Rainbow Apparel shows the persistence of lead contamination and, in turn, the potential dangers for unsuspecting consumers.
Breast cancer: The risk factors you can control.
For the vast majority of women who worry about their breast cancer risk but are wary of taking medicine, researchers and breast cancer specialists can dispense some helpful but ultimately limited advice.
Permeable boundaries: How mothers’ meds affect a fetus.
We are all too aware of the fetus’s vulnerability, in which the placenta seems not an unbreachable barrier but the merest wisp. What is the placenta capable of blocking, I wonder, and what does it allow to pass through?
Gender bending chemicals in plastics ‘raises risk of prostate cancer’.
A gender-bending chemical found in babies' bottles may raise their odds of prostate cancer in later life, scientists have warned.
Blumenauer asks feds to investigate hair-care products with formaldehyde.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., on Tuesday asked federal agencies to investigate two hair-smoothing products shown in recent Oregon tests to contain high levels of formaldehyde, even when labeled "formaldehyde-free."
Breast cancer, traffic pollution link examined in Montreal study.
Traffic-related air pollution may put women at risk for breast cancer, according to a new study from Quebec.
High pollution ‘can double risk of breast cancer.’
Traffic pollution can double a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer, a study claimed Wednesday. Cases of the disease were ‘clearly higher’ in areas with increased levels of nitrogen dioxide, researchers said. Breast cancer is the most common for...
Breast cancer linked to traffic-related air pollution.
Women living in areas with high levels of traffic-generated air pollution may be at greater risk for breast cancer, Montreal researchers have found. The results, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, were “startling,” the rese...
Ditch pink ribbon and focus on breast cancer prevention, group urges.
A Montreal group wants consumers to stop buying "pink ribbon" products and give money to organizations that fund breast cancer prevention research. The group contends that the Pink Ribbon campaign mainly benefits corporations, many of which sell products with ingredients linked to cancer.
Apples or pears … it’s all in the genes ladies, not the diet.
For apple-shapes like Sophie Dahl who struggle to stay slim the news may come as a blow – a woman’s shape is not determined by diet but by 13 inherited genes.