Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Press Releases

WVE press releases. For media inquiries contact Liz Taveras at: lizt@womensvoices.org

Press Releases

The Udall-Vitter Chemical Policy Legislation Seriously Flawed

Women’s Voices for the Earth is urging senators not to sign on to the Udall-Vitter bill until its serious flaws are addressed March 11, 2015 — Chemical policy legislation introduced this week by Senators Vitter and Udall fails to adequately update and strengthen the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and does little to protect the public from harmful exposures to toxic chemicals. The bill makes too many concessions to the chemical industry and doesn’t solve the problem of fixing our broken system of managing chemicals used in consumer products. Not only is the review process for chemicals weak, it also...
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First-of-its-Kind Report Links Long-Term Chemical Exposure in Salons to Adverse Health Outcomes

Salon workers face disproportionate odds of cancer, low birth weight babies, miscarriage, asthma, dermatitis MISSOULA, MT, November 11, 2014—Today, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) released Beauty and Its Beast: Unmasking the impact of toxic chemicals on salon workers, a first-of-its-kind report that analyzes the unique chemical exposures that salon workers experience, the health impacts they suffer, and the need for greater research, regulation, and innovation to ensure improved health and safety in the salon industry. “Many salon workers pay too high a price for their jobs,” said Executive Director Erin Switalski. “Salon workers should be able to enjoy their...
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Testing Reveals Toxic Chemicals in Procter & Gamble’s Always Pads

STAT Analysis results reveal secret carcinogens and reproductive toxins MISSOULA, MT, October 14, 2014—A national women’s health nonprofit has released independent product-testing results that reveal undisclosed toxic chemicals in Always menstrual pads. In August Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) commissioned STAT Analysis to analyze volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in scented, unscented, and Infinity versions of ultra-thin pads sold under the Always brand, which is manufactured by consumer-product giant Procter & Gamble (P&G). The results of the testing indicate that both scented and unscented Always pads emit toxic chemicals, including chemicals identified by the U.S. Department of Health and...
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SC Johnson Announces an End to Fragrance Secrecy

Makers of Glade become the first major consumer product company to list product-specific fragrance ingredients FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 9, 2014 SC Johnson (Glade, Windex, Pledge) announced today that it would begin disclosing product-specific fragrance ingredients in its cleaning and air-care products beginning in 2015, becoming the first major mainstream company to break the long-held secrecy around fragrance ingredients. Reckitt Benckiser (Airwick, Lysol) and Clorox announced they would begin disclosing fragrance allergens in their U.S. products earlier this year, but SC Johnson’s announcement of full disclosure is the first of its kind. The company will disclose fragrance ingredients down to...
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Clorox Breaks Secrecy Around Fragrance Ingredients

Company announces disclosure of fragrance allergens in response to consumer demand FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 16, 2014 Clorox announced today that it would begin disclosing fragrance allergens in its cleaning and disinfecting products in the U.S. and Canada, becoming the second major cleaning product company to do so. (Reckitt Benckiser (Airwick, Lysol) began disclosing fragrance allergens in its U.S. products earlier this year.) Clorox’s disclosure represents another huge step forward in breaking the airtight secrecy companies have maintained around fragrance ingredients in consumer products. “As a household name in this country, Clorox’s move to disclose fragrance allergens means that...
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Women’s Health Organization Criticizes Always “Like a Girl” Ad

 Viral Always ad peddles products with toxic chemicals that harm women’s health FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 21, 2014 CINCINNATI—Procter & Gamble has hit it big—21 million views so far—with its new “Like a Girl” ad promoting female empowerment and Always menstrual pads, but as far as one leading national women’s health organization is concerned, the company has missed the mark. “While it’s great to encourage girls to challenge stereotypes of what they can and can’t do, coming from a company that markets products that include toxic chemicals known to cause cancer, reproductive harm, and hormone disruption, the message seems hypocritical,”...
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