June Inspirational Woman
After years of professionally cleaning houses, Elva Aguilar became very sick. She had trouble breathing, a lot of back pain, but had no idea what was wrong. Eventually, it was revealed that the hidden harmful chemicals in the cleaning products she was using were making her sick. But instead of giving up her career, she changed it — by creating a house cleaning business dedicated to using only non-toxic products, “Green Maid Today”.
An advocate for safer consumer products and worker’s health, Elva shared her personal story at the hearing on the California Right to Know Act (AB 708). The bill requires cleaning product manufacturers who sell products in the state to fully disclose all ingredients, including fragrance. Elva’s testimony (see below) helped the bill pass the Business and Professions Committee and it is now on its way to the assembly floor. We are inspired by Elva’s drive, her commitment to protecting her health, the health of her employees, her customers, and the passion she shows for helping protect and educate the public about hidden toxic chemicals in cleaning products!
To view a video recording of Elva testimony from April’s hearing, click here.
My name is Elva Aguilar I am a professional house cleaner. I have being working in this industry for 15 years. I own my own company and employ 4 house cleaners. I am here to testify and voice my personal support to the initiative of the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act AB708.
It has been very difficult for workers like me to find ingredient information for household cleaners because you can’t find the ingredients on the product label. This is dangerous as without this information it is impossible to know that ill effects ingredients may have on my health and the health of my employees.
My story is a personal testimony of the negative health effects that can result from the use of household cleaners. In my first years of this work gradually I became sick from exposure to the chemicals in these products. It took a while for the doctors to realize that I have become allergic to the chemicals in most household cleaners, and since companies do not disclose ingredient information, it was impossible for me to know exactly what ingredients were causing my health problems. From that moment I decided to make my own cleaners. I learned to make my own household cleaners from safer ingredients like vinegar. I also changed the name of my company to reflect my new pro-ecology emphasis, “Green Maid Today”.
Passing AB708 to require that labels list the ingredients in a given cleaning product, will enable many to become aware of the noxious effects of some ingredients and therefore give them the information they need to take preventive measures when handling such substances such as the use of face-masks, gloves, special protective clothing, etc or, more importantly give them the ability to avoid the product all together.
I thank you for listening to my testimony, and I ardently hope that you will approve this initiative into a law. Thank you