Tiffany J Drummond On The 5 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Cancer
“What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?
I resigned from my position as a regulatory director to pursue other career opportunities: one being an educator. I recently joined an organization as an instructor to prepare future clinical research professionals with the skills needed to succeed in this growing research & development industry. I also founded my brand Opinionated STEM with the mission to be an outspoken force within the STEM space through social media and public speaking engagements. Not long ago, I wrapped up a virtual workshop series called “Our Stories, Our Flow” with nonprofit organization Women’s Voices for the Earth, presenting information about the toxic chemicals in feminine hygiene products. Finally, I am working on a passion project: the Opinionated STEM physician planner. When I took my mother to countless doctor visits, it was near impossible to keep up with all of the specialists, medications, appointments, and follow-up instructions. I know from experience what patients with chronic conditions need to stay organized and empowered. Stay tuned!”