First US approval of indoor air disinfectant draws NGO criticism
Chemical Watch
By Vanessa Zainzinger
“NGOs have slammed the US EPA’s approval of an airborne disinfectant for indoor use as pointless “hygiene theater” with potential for toxic adverse effects.
“‘While it may be that any viruses in the air are eliminated during this process, it only works until a sick person harbouring bacteria and viruses comes back into the room and re-contaminates the air pretty instantly,’ said Alexandra Gorman Scranton, director of science and research at the NGO Womens Voices for the Earth (WVE).
“‘The risk of virus infection is greatest when you are in close contact sharing the air with an infected person. There is no evidence that the risks are any lower of sharing air with an infected person if you have previously sanitised the air in the room,’ she said.”
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