We Now Have More Information about Ingredients Used in Period Products Than Ever Before!
Because of new disclosure requirements coming out of New York State, our research has found the every period product user is getting way more information about these products than ever before. Some period products are a lot more complicated than we ever knew.
New Transparency Requirements Reveal Ingredient Complexity and Chemical Exposure from Menstrual Products
A new report released by health and justice organizations, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), Clean & Healthy New York, Sierra Club (Atlantic Chapter) and WE ACT for Environmental Justice, spotlights how new ingredient disclosure requirements for menstrual products are providing improved and vital information about chemical exposure from the use of these products. The report, "What’s in Your Period Product? An investigation of ingredients disclosed on product labels", calls attention to significant changes the industry has made in increasing ingredient transparency, as well as chemicals of concern that, until now, were kept hidden from people who use these products.