Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

Safe Cleaning Products


Safe Cleaning Products

The Issue:
Certain chemicals in cleaning products have been linked to fertility problems, birth defects, increased risk of breast cancer, asthma and respiratory disorders, and hormone disruption. What’s more, there is no federal law requiring cleaning product companies to list all the ingredients in their products on the label.  Which means companies can keep toxic chemicals a secret from you.

The bottom line: Products used to clean our homes and public spaces shouldn’t contain toxic ingredients in the first place.

Coronavirus Resources

The majority of the popular disinfectants contain harmful chemicals with health concerns ranging from chemical burns to reproductive harm. The good news is there are alternative disinfectant chemicals that are as effective (or more) in killing viruses and other germs without these health hazards. Get answers on safer and effective disinfectants, which ingredients to avoid, and other solutions to protect your health. Learn more.

Español – Desinfectantes más seguros en estos tiempos de coronavirus. Aprende más.

Avoiding Toxic Chemicals in Cleaning Products

Did you know that some cleaning products contain hidden toxic chemicals that don’t appear on labels but are linked to cancer, birth defects, fertility problems, asthma, and more? Check out these resources to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.


Cleaning with pesticides? #QuitQuats

Quats are disinfectant chemicals commonly found in household cleaners like disinfecting wipes and sprays and are designed to kill germs. Unfortunately, quats don’t actually reduce household illness and instead can cause harm to our health. Learn more.

Español – El Enfoque del Exceso de Desinfectantes en los “Cuates”

washing the windows

Cleaning Products and Your Health

From acute to chronic health effects, to cleaning chemicals of greatest concern — we combined some of the most important highlights from our safe cleaning reports into a simple, easy-to-share overview on cleaning products and your health. Read more.

Español – Productos de Limpieza y Su Salud



Infographic: Safer Cleaning & Disinfecting at home in the times of Coronavirus

Keep your home safe from COVID-19 and safe from toxic chemicals. Get the facts to help you find safer and effective solutions to protect your health! View infographic.

Infografía: Desinfectantes mas seguros en la casa en estos tiempos de Coronavirus

mother daugher shopping for windex

REPORT: Beyond the Label: Health Impacts of Harmful Ingredients in Cleaning Products

WVE’s new report, Beyond the Label: Health Impacts of Harmful Ingredients in Cleaning Products, spotlights some of the most problematic and pervasive ingredients used in household, and institutional, cleaning products that have remained hidden from the general public until now. READ MORE.



toxic ingredients in cleaning products

Alternatives to Fragranced Cleaning Products

Common fragrance ingredients used in cleaning products, such as phthalates, synthetic musks, and allergens, have been linked to health impacts ranging from eye and skin irritation to hormone disruption, increased risk of breast cancer, and reproductive and developmental harm. Learn more and find safer alternatives.

Ingredients for DIY non-toxic cleaning products

DIY Green Cleaning Recipes

A few of our favorite non-toxic, DIY recipes including laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner, toilet-bowl cleaner and more that use simple ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Follow the directions or experiment a little with the ingredients to make your own! See how-to videos.


Cancer Free Economy’s Household Cleaners’ Health & Safety Lab – Video Series

WVE is a partner of the Cancer Free Economy’s Household Cleaners’ Health & Safety Lab, a group committed to protecting workers and the public from toxic chemicals in cleaners. Along with Hand In Hand Domestic Employers Network , Make the Road NY , and Silent Spring Institute – we have created this new video series to help uplift the issues around harmful and unnecessary chemicals in disinfecting products, clear up confusion around the differences between cleaning v. disinfecting , and provide sound advice on how employers can protect the health of the household cleaners they employ, as well as the health of people living in the home. Take a look at the playlist — and for more information visit CancerFreeEconomy.org/SafeCleaning

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