TAKE ACTION for Safer Menstrual and Intimate Care Products!
Recently, the Robin Danielson Menstrual Product and Intimate Care Product Safety Act of 2022 (HR 8724) was introduced in Congress. If passed, the bill requires a research program focused on studying the health risks of fragrance ingredients, pesticides, phthalates, titanium dioxide, and other ingredients used in these products.
Why You Should be Concerned About Intimate Care Products that Inhibit Lactobacilli
Recent testing raises a lot of questions and concerns about the impacts intimate care products are having on our bodies. Specifically, our testing looked at how products might be affecting the delicate balance of healthy bacteria (namely lactobacilli) in our vaginas.
Impacts on Working Moms & Caregivers During COVID-19
Burnout is real. The loss is real. And so are the consequences. For many working mothers, this means our mental health has suffered, it also means women are at greater risk of both short and long-term economic instability.
Because of You, Summer’s Eve Removed Ten Toxic Ingredients!
VICTORY! Summer's Eve has removed 10 toxic ingredients from their products. Unfortunately, underlying concerns with intimate care products continue to put our health at risk.
Keeping Watch on the Cosmetic Ingredient Review
In 2020, CIR’s Expert Panel for Cosmetic Safety made a number of decisions that were not in the interest of public health. But we did get their attention on a few important safety issues. Learn more.
The beginning of the new year is traditionally a time where we make resolutions; commitments and actions that are often focused on healing. So I can think of no better time then now to reflect on WVE’s commitments to you.
Period Health Policies: Is Your State Working to Make Menstrual Equity a Priority?
The work to achieve menstrual equity continues with policies being introduced on the state and federal level to increase access, affordability, and safety of period products.
Period Health News: 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW
From new menstrual equity policies and period poverty during the pandemic, to new testing of menstrual care products, check out these highlights of 2020's period health headlines!
Your Top Blog Posts of 2020!
Recapping WVE’s most popular blog posts of 2020! This past year over 350,000 people visited our Voices Blog for tips, updates and insight into ways you can raise your voice for a toxic-free future.
Trump Reversed, Weakened Crucial Environmental Protections. Will Biden’s Policies Be Different?
Over the last 4 years, crucial environmental protection policies have been reversed, weakened, or subverted. As a result, our health is more threatened by toxic chemicals than ever.